Do you incorporate Character Education into your classroom daily?
I began my teaching career in a Catholic School. The main reason being that it was hard for me to get into Public School in PA. However, I believe in Catholic Education and am a product of it myself. Those years at my little school were some of the most trying, most special and most rewarding. Teaching Kinders about God's love certainly brought me closer to Him and made me stronger in my faith.
At my school we did a student of the month for each grade based on a virtue for the month. When I transitioned into Public Education I wanted to use those same virtues in my teaching. I am a strong believer in teaching morals and values to our students. So was born The Golden Pineapple Awards.
Why a pineapple?
Simply because of this quote: stand tall, wear a crown, be sweet on the inside. Everything I want to instill in my students.
The Awards
I dedicated a spot in my classroom to showcase our student of the month. These awards make it super easy for you to begin them in your own classroom. Click here to see them on my Teachers Pay Teachers store.Using the Awards
The same way I teach so many things is going to be the same way I teach about these values: using picture books. I will begin each month by reading a picture book for that value. We will then discuss what it will look like in us and our classmates. I will explain that those are the traits I will be looking for in my student of the month.
Below I have included lists of the picture books I will utilize to teach each value. I will begin the year in September with the Peacemaker award as I focus on a lot with peace for September 11th and International Day of Peace. From there I do not have an order. I will pick the value that I feel my students need most.
How to Get the Books
If you are looking to purchase the book for your classroom library you can click on the covers. You will be redirected to Amazon. However, I highly suggest you ask coworkers and check the library before buying.
Also, when in doubt - any book by Maria Dismondy is a fabulous addition to your character education read alouds. You will see many of her books featured below.
There is so much heartache in this world. At times we can appear to be a nation divided. I stand by teaching my students all year long how to be good individuals. Peacemakers are important in the classroom and the world.
When something is hard it takes all we have to not give up. We need to consider all of the things we wouldn't have if we just threw in the towel when we were met with a roadblock. You can simple google "Famous People Who Failed Before Succeeding", and you will be presented with prime examples to share with your students.
When we are considerate of others we learn to not always put ourselves first.

Working together will help you achieve a goal so much faster!

To be generous does not mean giving of just your money. Show your students how to be giving when they have extra. There are so many people in this world and by considering others we make the world a better place.
How can kids respect us if they do not truly understand what it means? Also, I think it is SO SO important that we model respect to our students. Just because they are small humans does not mean they deserve any less.
We need to understand what it means to be a friend. How often do we see kids want to be friends with someone who does not treat them kindly? This breaks my heart which is why I also teach my students to stand up to others.

It is so important for our students to be able to put themselves into someone else's shoes. However this is HARD for kids and adults. Modeling empathy through read alouds is a great start to having them make connections.
If you say you are going to do something, you need to stick with it. Teaching our students to be accountable for their actions will carry them in responsible adults.

In my experience, students are quick to not tell the truth if they think they are going to get into trouble. I always tell my students that I will be more hurt if they lie to me.
We all have a job to do in this world. It is important to help out students recognize the impact they make each and every day.
November isn't the only time we should be teaching our students to be grateful. Be grateful for what you have and help those when you can.
I find that kids can do this more easily than adults. Maybe we can learn something from them. If we see something wrong, we should try and fix it.

If we hold on to anger and frustration it does not do any good for anyone. Sometimes it takes courage to be kind and forgiving, but it is worth it.
This list will continue to grow. Have any that should be included? Comment and let me know!
Looking for more books on character education? Check out this list from Scholastic.