Every now and then you read a book that changes you or inspires you. Recently, my very dear friend, Keep Calm and Teach Fifth Grade sent me one of those books. Myranda and I have a friendship that I hold dear to my heart and one I would not be complete without. We have seen the world together. Spent the night in an airport together. Sweated our butts off together. And all of this has created a bond like I have with no one else. See, we are travel partners. We are like minded people. (If you don't have a like minded person in your life - find one!)

Myranda understands my strong desire to travel. She never judges me for it, or asks why. She challenges me and makes me better. She recently read a book that she mailed to me across the USA because I had to read it. And boy was she right! The Happiness of Pursuit is a book I needed in my life. Not to fuel my desire to travel, but to show me there are people out there who leave their comfort zone and are beyond glad they did.
Chris, the author, took on a quest to visit every country in the world. Amazing! Why did he do it? He felt a strong calling that would never go away. That is how a quest begins. You get this idea and it never leaves you. It keeps eating at you until you decide to do something about it.
I have always had a strong desire to travel. Never truly to a particular place, I want to see many things. I want to teach abroad with my TESOL certification, not entirely sure where. However, one idea that has been eating at my is seeing the Seven Wonders of the World.

While reading, I realized that, this was my quest. I felt such a calling to it that I needed to act on it. Guys, I can NOT get the idea out of my head. The best part, I have already experienced one of the wonders, so I only have 6 more to go!
So it is decided. I will take on this quest. I do not have a timeline to do it in. However, I would love tom have it accomplished before I am 40. That gives me 10 years. I will be documenting my travels, beginning with writing down my experience in Rome.
I highly recommend you read the Happiness of Pursuit. I challenge you to leave your comfort zone and do something that will change your life. We are given this one life. What will you do with it?
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